What We DO
Fionn Ghlas Early Years Hub is located at 2a North Road, Finglas Village, Dublin 11. “The Hub” opened its doors in 2018 having moved from a previous location on Church Street that had been open for 25 years. The building was previously the old Finglas Garda Station and was completely renovated before the move. There are 3 care rooms, nursery, toddler and preschool/ECCE. There is a large outdoor play space to the right of the building. The administration office is located on the first floor.
2a North Rd, Finglas, Dublin 11
D11 CP58
Tel.: 01 8641992

Meet the
Fionn Ghlas Team
Paula is the creche supervisor in Fionn Ghlas and has 12 Early Years practitioners on the team. In addition, the Community Employment staff support the team in care rooms, housekeeping, the kitchen, maintenance, and gardening.
Nursery Room
Laura, Sinead, Sarah and Jessie are responsible for providing a nurturing, calm environment in this room. They support the children in reaching their full potential by designing individual developmentally appropriate routines to suit each child.
Toddler Room
Tanya, Cecilia and Marion (Morning session) and Marion and Tanya (Afternoon session) are the Early Years Practitioners in the Toddler Room. All staff have over 10 years’ experience of working as Early Years Practitioners. They provide a healthy, stimulating environment that supports children’s self-motivated need to explore and learn.
Paula and Jade lead this room providing the children with the essentials of an active learning environment. They have over 30 years early years care and education experience between them. The Highscope Curriculum facilitates the practitioners to build on their knowledge of child development and their experience and observations to provide the children attending with active participatory learning experiences.